
Write New Product Description

Generate a description for a product for the first time
10 Credits

Rewrite Description Version

For products with a previously generated description already, new versions costs less
2 Credits

Write New Product Highlights

Generate new product highlights for a product for the first time
10 Credits

Rewrite Product Highlights

For products with a previously generated highlights already, new versions costs less
2 Credits

Write New Collection Description

Generate a description for a collection for the first time
20 Credits

Rewrite Collection Version

For collections with a previously generated description already, new versions costs less
5 Credits

Write New Article

Generate an entire article for a blog post for the first time.
50 Credits

Rewrite Article Version

For articles with previously generated content already, new versions costs less
25 Credits
Custom Prompts

Respond to Custom Prompt

Generate anything! Use Shopify Flow automation to setup a custom prompt and use RetailWriter to generate content based on your custom prompt.
50 Credits